Considering the Life to Come

Everything is a total disaster and everyone knows it.

This whole thing – life, the universe, everything – is a complete mess. Modern reality is designed to suck the life out of you. This world eats souls. It chews the flesh of souls, leaving soul-bones. Everything is pressure, from all sides.

However, what we must understand: we choose to participate in this process. Real life can be difficult. Money is difficult, relationships are difficult. Work is difficult. But most of our difficulties result in things we choose to participate in.

You choose to pay attention to the nonsense, and become emotionally involved in it. Look at this election, as a prime example. None of us has any influence on this election. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen. And yet, many people are expending massive amounts of emotional resources on thinking about this election. There is no reason you should expend even a tiny bit of your emotional energy on this election.

The same is true for everything else you have no control over, which is basically anything that is in the media. If you can’t change something, there is no reason to expend emotional resources on it. You should be aware of what is happening in the world, so you can make decisions in your life, but that is the only thing you have any control over: the decisions you make. Therefore, the decisions you make are the sole thing that is worth spending emotions on.

This entire system is designed to suck emotional energy out of you. Look at the most extreme example: the global warming people. These are people who sit around worrying, working themselves up into a frenzy about what the weather is going to be like in 30 years. Of the things you have no control over, the weather is at the top of the list, and yet there are millions of people in the world who sit around expending emotional resources on the weather.

But it’s not just the weather. You can’t stop the hordes of immigrants pouring into our country. You can’t stop the women turning their sons into trannies. You can’t stop the blacks. You can’t stop the Jew baby-killers and their sickening actions all over the world. You can be aware of these things, you can do your best to oppose them when you can, but spending emotional resources on these things that are totally outside of your control amounts to offering up your soul energy on a platter to the energy parasites of the world.

The wise man only expends his emotional, psychic, and spiritual energy on his decisions, which is what he controls. A wise man focuses on his career, his relationships, his family, his health, and the life to come.

The life to come.

For this world is a joke and it is a game. It’s not really real, in the ultimate cosmic sense. In the greatest and most profound sense, we are spiritual beings experiencing a physical world for a short time, and our purpose here is to make the most meaningful decisions we can make, to make the best decisions, to prepare ourselves for what comes after.

If you don’t believe in the afterlife, and you are intelligent, study the theories that the Jews have presented about the nature of reality. Study the big bang, black holes, string theory and all the other physics bullshit. Study the “theory of evolution” and the claim that animals can transform into other animals. It’s all just lies. Really stupid lies, frankly.

You are a ***** of God. The creator of the universe breathed life into you. You have the spirit of God living in you, whether you know it or not, and your purpose here on this earth is only to do what is right. It’s easy to say that. But if you internalize it, the worries of this world become trivial and vain. You understand that you are not of this world, you simply inhabit it for this short period, and your purpose is to prepare for your true purpose, which is in the life to come.

There are realms beyond this world, and you will exist in those realms, whether you want to or not, and your status in those realms beyond the veil will be based on the way you live your life here.

The distractions of the world, whether it is politics, *****, money, gibberish and nonsense, or any of the other things that do not mean anything in the cosmic scope, will simply drain your ability to focus on the real meaning in life, which is doing the right thing and developing yourself.

This is very simple: if you find yourself stressed or worrying about something, ask yourself if you have the ability to change it. If you don’t, then stop yourself from expending energy on it. Focus on what’s real. The world is not real. This is all a big illusion, and none of it really matters.

We are separate from God in this world, and we live in a false reality, designed to suck the life out of us. Focus on what is real. What is real is work, relationships, family, and the choices you can make to benefit those things. And try to have a good time. There is no reason not to have a good time. Things are bad, but most of those bad things can be avoided through good decision-making. This is one of the reasons I’ve always advised people to escape the urban hellscapes that most people live in.

If you’re in nature, you are closer to God, you are closer to what is real than if you are living in an ugly and filthy manmade doom zone. You want to be as close as you can be to what is real. Traffic and noise pollution, light pollution, psychic pollution – these things are not real. These are poisons that pollute what is real.

Stay free, keep it easy.

Your soul is eternal and this world is a blink of an eye.

The worst thing that can happen to you here is like stubbing your toe in the cosmic, eternal scheme of things.

Keep it real. Distinguish between what is real and what isn’t.

Focus on the life to come.